Practice Areas
If you are the target of a criminal investigation or you have been charged with a criminal offense in state or federal court, it is vital that you retain an aggressive and skilled defense lawyer immediately. Certain Constitutional rights and liberty interests need to be protected. The outcome of your case is often determined by how quickly you involve your attorney.
It can be difficult to set a dollar amount on injuries you suffer in an accident. There are many things to consider including doctor’s bills, time lost from work, medical costs, pain and suffering — and that’s only the beginning. We are devoted to helping victims of accidents reclaim the financial compensation they need, including all those medical expenses, missed wages many other types of damages.
The U.S. Constitution and numerous civil rights laws promote equality. If you have reason to believe that you have been discriminated against and have been subjected to adverse job action based on race, religion, age, disability, sex or gender we’re here to help you. This could include wrongful arrests, work harassment or even imprisonment or abuse by the police.
You may be at a standstill in a dispute. In fact, commercial transactions and business relationships often go bad and turn into these costly disputes, where it sometimes may seem there is no suitable resolution. Our firm’s litigation team comes in at this point to look at the situation objectively and outside of the courtroom in order to avoid more time-consuming litigation and costs.